Friday, January 25, 2008

Parent of the Year

Well we have been inside for 2 weeks now... with weather ranging in temperature from 10 degrees to -10 degrees... and I just found myself in a parenting high. It went something like this...

Anna: (extreamly high pitched screech followed by) Kaid pay for the Popsicle!

Mom: (yelling) You can't steal the popsicle!

Anna: (still screeching) You stole my popsicle!

Kaid: (on the other side of room) Na Na Na Na Na

Anna: (screeching)

Mom: (yelling) Give Anna the popsicle or your grounded for the rest of the winter! (keep in mind he's been inside for two weeks)

Now keep in mind the popsicle in question was a tinker toy - You know your at an all time parenting low when yelling at kids for imagined offenses for imagined toys... The good news is it's supposed to be 50 degrees on Sunday! Oh yeah, we will be outside!


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain! It is all I can do to pry myself away from the heating vents most days. It is sad when you're excited to cook dinner just because you get to stand by a hot stove for 20 min! My kids have cabin fever so bad, they have watched some circa 1970's Halloween movie about 5 times just today! I am ready for spring!

DeGooyer Family said...

I, too, can feel your pain. We've been really cold here, too, and I keep reminding Brett that wherever we move next will NOT be as cold, and will be in a dry climate. =)