Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My IQ has Plummeted

Well I was warned by mother that the day would come when my IQ would drop so low that I was no longer capable of changing the channel on the TV or taking the cellophane off a new toy or adjusting the car radio with out the help of my dear daughter, but I was a little surprised that it happened all at once. Not slow and gradual 'dumbing' but one night Bekah went to bed and turned 11.75 and the next morning Craig and I woke up extremely dumb. Oh I can't imagine how dumb we'll be when Anna turns 11 or 12...

(the irony of this photo is that it took me (the dumbest of all dumb) to come in and show her and Craig how to place those silly plastic spoons (after they had spent 4 hours trying) so that the dang thing would spin! (in Craig's defense he hadn't clarified the objective of the project before beginning!)


Jen said...

So that's what I have to look forward to???? Great. At least I have a little more than 5 years left of being brilliant :D

trish said...

yes, well enjoy it while it lasts!