Thursday, January 20, 2011

He Stikes Again

This boy of mine... he IS supervised! But, he decided to help me get the house on the market with his own fresh coat of paint. So after quickly assessing the situation I decided my most prominent need were the cherry hardwood floors. They would be the hardest and most expensive to replace, then all the wood work up and down the hall and bedroom, and lastly the floors - we were going to replace the carpet (probably) anyway. Now it is a definite. Why oh why can't he be like other normal little boys and write on the wall with crayon?


Sarah said...

So, any luck cleaning it?

trish said...

I focused on the floors and woodwork first, got that all cleaned up. not so much the carpet... but that sealed the deal as to weather on not we were replacing it!

Natalie said...

YIKES!!! I'm glad you didn't kill him!