Friday, January 14, 2011

Picking Sides

The other day my neighbor called and was chit chatting with me. I didn't think too much of the conversation until I was relating it to Craig later that night. The conversation went about like this:
Neighbor: How are things going? We haven't seen Craig's truck around much.
Me: No, he's been out of town, he had to go to Chicago...
Neighbor: Oh, well, how long will he be gone for, when will he get to come home?
Me: Oh, he's home now.
Neighbor: Oh, I guess we just haven't seen his truck around.
Me: Oh, well yeah he was gone for a week, oh yeah and the night before he left he had to buy a new truck.

As I related the conversation I realized what she was really getting at... "who is the strange man coming over - he comes in late at night and leaves early in the morning..." So if the neighbors had to pick sides, I have no doubt they would choose Craig. He is pretty awesome. But rest assured I am only picking Craig - and we had a really good chuckle.

And by the way, we had to say good bye to the 'king of the jungl'e - it got us through med school, deployment, 4 moves, most of a residency, and 160,000 miles of commuting! But, we both have to say, 'ooo lala!' This new truck is a beauty


Anonymous said...

ooooooooooo HAHAHA, youe Dad and I had a serious chuckle on that one!!!
Have they no clue that you have no time.....nice truck!!

julie said...

LMBO that is so funny I chuckled to myself for an hour after I read it! Nice new truck too.

Natalie said...

LOVE the new ride! Enjoy--- and maybe don't let the kids ride in it until Craig scratches it himself!!!