Sunday, April 24, 2011


As I was having a week (last week) where I was literally falling apart. I mean I was eating worms, nobody liked me, everybody hated me, (Craig was scared to come home to me!) lol... I would peruse the blogs of fellow mothers and think, 'wow! I am such a looser, I just need to get my act together! This person is redoing her entire bathroom, this person always has perfect hair in her pictures, that person never looses her temper with her kids and always does such fun things with them, another person always has a positive spin on her circumstances, I'm sure none of them ever have financial stress....' and on and on went my comparing of myself to the Internet women. Then my visiting teacher called and made a totally random comment about how she 'needed to get it together, that everyone was more pulled together than she.' And it snapped me out of it! WE all got problems, we all have things we struggle with. We all need a boost now and again, and despite appearances we all need to 'pull it together!' And, by the way, this sweet lady is a wonderful mother and always cheerful when I see her, and has made a HUGE impression on Anna as she teachers her at church.


Lani said...

Our kids must be on the same frequency or something. We had the same kind of week around here. (They didn't even bother to call me a mean mom, that's how bad it was.) I am regular in need of attitude or perspective adjustments.

By the way, I think you're pretty awesome!

beksannakaid said...

Trishie - You are my favoritest mom in the whole world! I think you are pretty FANTASTIC!!!
love from your mom