Yahoooo! I'm screamin' for joy! Craig works 9-5 /M-F this month (well 7-5 but those early hours don't count). I better dust off those pots and pans because we might actually have dinner as a family this month! Only28 months until we are done with this anti-lifestyle!!!!
Well, first of all, you are so pretty in your picture, but I can tell you have small children because your eyes look red, like mine feel (and look) all of the time! I love your 25 secrets. I'm with you on the closets, about once a week i am reorganizing or cleaning a drawer or closet. i can't stand unnecessary clutter/junk. And congrats on finishing college! Ya, here I am 37 and still going!! and if I haven't taken up enough space asked awhile ago about the weather here, it's cold but the sun comes out a lot, and when it doesn't almost always I comment to myself "Umhm Canton weather!"
YAY!!! I love those months... They are few and far between. =)
Congrats! I didn't realize you guys would be on that kind of schedule for the whole residency. And I thought Scott's masters program on-line was hard. Enjoy your family dinners!
HOOORAYYY!!!! Please enjoy it for us too!!!!!
I'm glad that you get to have your husband back at normal hours. Enjoy those dinners!
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