Monday, June 1, 2009

School Bus Memories

The bus driver screeching to a halt half way through the stop sign (did she have a license?)

In fact all 14 bus drivers (it took a while to find one who stuck).

Bekah, Johnny, Emily, Anna, and Kaylee

Pogo Sticks


Smorgas-borg (Mrs. Julie would bring down bacon, croissants, cut ups apples, bananas, oranges - my kids quit eating at home because they liked what she brought down in the car better!)

8:15 Prayers, Prayers, prayers - Hurry Prayers (hmmm inviting the spirit?)

8:16 or 8:27 or 8:32 or 8:22 bus arrival

Newspaper delivery Man

Lawn mowing crew (they did wise up and started going somewhere else at that time)

Old People stopping to say hi (and thanking us for our contribution to the bus stop crew - it was a little measly before the Randall's moved in)

We were the only family that on more than one occasion, had to run for the bus (and he waited - thank you!)

The fact that we could leave 15 minutes later and still get there before the bus if we drove - but neither kid was willing to give up the ride.

Alex - I have no idea who the kid is, but he is famous at our house.

Anna and Bekah will never ride the same bus or attend the same school again. It was good while it lasted...

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