Craig gets home from work and asks how my day was and what I did. I typically joke about eating bon-bon's and watching soaps all day because I can't really pinpoint what I did all day. Their is no pay check to verify my job, their is typically no evidence that I cleaned the bathroom because a 4 year old went in and used it right before Craig walked in the door, you can't see that I spent an hour mopping the floor because the dog decided to lay in a mud puddle and the kids invited him in for snacks, the dishes were done, but now the sink is full again. Their is evidence of the laundry I washed because it is still sitting on the bed waiting to be folded. But today was a typical bon-bon and soap day when I noticed some 'goo' on the wall (I'm not sure what it was or how long it had been there - I had to work pretty hard to get it off so it must have been there awhile.) While scrubbing away my cute and darling little 1 1/2 year found a way to occupy himself... 

Now off to clean up cookie dough!
I go through the SAME thing every day! But Brett stopped asking a LONG time ago. =)
Yum, cookie dough...
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